War of the Spark – Pre-release Friday Midday (Milton Keynes)

26th April 2019, 11:59 am - 5:30 pm
Entry Fee £22.50
Spaces available 4 out of 24

Event Details

We’ll be running 7 pre-release events starting the run on Friday! through to close on Sunday. Due to the extra friday events we will sell out, so we will be doing bookings this time and we strongly recommend booking a your place as soon as you are able.

You need to buy your ticket up front to secure your space – as we expect these events to sell out. Pre-book and pay in advance, and your entry fee is just £22.50, pay on the day price is £25.

Pre-releases are your first chance to crack open packs and play with the War of the Spark latest cards.

Everything you need to take part is provided in-store you simply show up and play!

Bookings no longer allowed on this date.